what D3 BUILT BELIEVES constitutes trust.

There’s no doubt about it, we live in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
Every day we are overloaded with information; there are decisions to be made under the pressures of time. As humans we manage this by distinguishing and distilling complex pieces of information into granular components. We apply innate skills of perception, intellectual ability, learned patterns and gut feel to aid in the everyday activities of life.
You may ask, what this has to do building? The answer is, a whole lot!
As you traverse your journey in finding and researching your Building Practitioner, information will be in abundance and supplied from many sources.
As you consume detail, you will likely ask:
- What does it mean?
- What should I do?
- What do I think?
- What would it look like?
- How does or will it work?
When navigating these complexities, it is natural to want to surround yourself and lean on trusted advisors. And therein lies a key requirement in your search for a Building Practitioner: Trust – who do, and can, you trust?
Trust is a construct that can be summed up to involve components such as integrity, competence, loyalty, openness and consistency. Trust is often rendered when an individual exhibits these components from one person to another.
As humans we are all different, we possess our own set of value systems, therefore we differ in the meaning and connections we each hold for these words. In terms of trust and what it means to us, these are noted below.
Referring to truthfulness and honesty. For D3 Built this means, what we say is what we do. It’s acting in accordance with the National Construction Codes and Australian Standards, always keeping the best interest of the build, clients and us at heart.
The ability to do something skillfully and successfully. As Engineers and Project Managers who have conducted their respective owner-build projects before transitioning into Registered Building Practitioners, we know what it takes to perform building tasks competently to ensure that the job meets its expected performance requirements.
Feelings of support or allegiance. When meeting for the first time, this forms the foundations of our partnership. Whether you are looking for advice, guidance or delivery on an agreed scope of works it is something we do not take lightly. We will advocate for your best interests to ensure you get the best outcome.
Characterised in the terms of imagination and curiosity. From D3 Built’s perspective, we are keen to learn new things and want you to do so too. We will happily review latest building innovations, technologies and ways of doing things. Our aim is for an effortless and enjoyable building experience whilst walking together on this journey.
Consistency of deliverables and communication, especially in a long-term working relationship, is imperative. We understand relationships are only as good as the interactions, and we care about being consistent to ensure that your trust in us is warranted.
For D3 built, trust (and the terms reflected within) is our foundation to building partnerships and relationships. We invite you to reflect on our definitions and what trust means to you.
Does any of our explanations resonate? If no, that is totally fine; we all hold different connections to the meanings of these words. We hope that in some small way, that our site, provides you with the advice and guidance to help you on your search. If in any small amount we can guide or advise you, we are more than happy to do so.
However, if our explanations does resonate, that is excellent! Let's connect and have a chat, get to know one another and we'll see how things fit. We look forward to connecting with you.
Director, D3 Built